
Ability Life Solutions helps you worry less so you can live more.

Life with a developmental disability can be overwhelming, but we are here to help you. When you have the right resources at your fingertips, you can stress less and enjoy life more. Ability Life Solutions is your go-to will for Autism support and community. 

Our Founders

Bob DeMarco, Special Needs Parent​

Bob DeMarco, Special Needs Parent

AAbility Life Solutions co-founder Bob DeMarco will be able to guide you to find answers to your special needs questions because he has “been there, done that.” While his career started with Paramount Domestic Television composing music for popular series like “Hard Copy” and “Entertainment Tonight,” his life’s focus shifted in 2006 when his son, Dominic, was diagnosed with Autism. Bob’s search for online resources addressing the Autism spectrum came up empty, and the seed for Ability Life Solutions was planted. As a parent faced with the ongoing joys and challenges that children with special needs present, Bob is acutely aware of the need for self-care. Online support groups for parents are an integral part of Ability Life Solutions because he knows how much you need community. For Bob, this is more than a job: This is his passion and a compilation of the resources he wished he could have had when his son was first diagnosed.

Tresha Allen, The Advocate

Tresha Allen, The Advocate

Even though she isn’t a special needs parent, Tresha Allen is a fierce advocate who knows the Autism community well. She has dedicated her life to nonprofit work, and helping people who have developmental disabilities is her passion. There is absolutely nothing she would rather do! Her 30+ years of service includes work with The Arc of Ventura County and New Horizons in San Fernando Valley. Tresha managed the second largest supported employment program in California, building relationships with agencies and people across the state. Working directly with families and individuals living with special needs gave her unique insight into the gaps in services available. Her background and knowledge makes her an advocate who can help those on the Autism spectrum find the resources they need.

bob demarco and tresha allen ability life solutions

“Unleash your disAbility Superhero!”

Teaming Up

Ability Life Solutions was born when a special needs parent and disability advocate teamed up to create global online resources for families with special needs. Their first step was creating the following resources

  • Video Library with topics and advice specific to living with Autism
  • Local Resources Guide that helps you locate physical support or resources that are near to you
  • Shop is an organized Amazon shop with hand-picked products that make living life with Autism easier
  • Blog is updated regularly with relevant topics on Autism
  • Consultations to help you find the resources or community you need
  • Online Community Groups

We are currently working to expand our resources to include services such as financial planning, coaching, food guides, travel services, housing solutions and much more. Stay tuned!

Our Promise & Vision

autism home support ability life solutions

We're All About Caring for Individuals With Autism & Their Loved Ones

Our promise is to provide community, love, acceptance, and support across the spectrum. You will find all that with our resources and services. Ability Life Solutions helps you worry less so you can live more.

Our vision is to create a global community through a multi-business network that provides a complete range of resources, services, and support for families and individuals living with Autism and other related special needs.

Our Artist

Ability Life Solutions by Joel Anderson

Joel Anderson

Joel Anderson was diagnosed with Autism at the age of three and his art has been seen in China, Japan, Africa, Australia, Canada, Peru, and across the USA. Learn more about Joel here.

Our Founders Are Loved

Anna Eskandarian Director of Employment Services, New Horizons​

Anna Eskandarian

Director of Employment Services, New Horizons

“Tresha was my supported employment program manager at New Horizons (serving adults with special needs). As director of the program, I can describe her as extremely smart, very hard working, and great with people. She will shine wherever she goes.”

michelle bergh ability life solutions testimonial

Michelle Bergh

Colleague of Tresha’s at The Arc of Ventura County

“I have known and worked with Tresha for 7+ years. I noticed immediately how comfortable and welcome she makes me and others feel. She is open, resourceful, and INCREDIBLY knowledgeable. Tresha addresses the concerns of others with a natural ease, respect, and sensitivity.

Daniele Israel-Salusky

Board Member for The Ed Asner Family Center

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