10 Signs of Autism | Gemiini – Signs of Autism in Children

10 signs of autism

10 Signs of Autism | Gemiini – Signs of Autism in Children

If you are wondering if your child may be on the autism spectrum, this video demonstrates 10 common warning signs of autism in children 18 months or older. Autism can be treated if it is caught early on, making identifying symptoms of autism critical.

We take a look at some of the common behavioral differences between a typical child and a child with a developmental disorder.

10 Signs of Autism / Gemiini – Signs of Autism in Children by Gemiini Systems
Initial Release Date: August 15, 2017
Source: YouTube

What We Learned from this Video:

  • Autism is treatable, but it is critical to begin treatment early.
  • There are several common warning signs that can indicate a child has autism. 
  • If a child demonstrates these warning signs, it is recommended that they be screened by a specialist. 

By watching for warning signs of autism, parents can recognize it and treat it early. Schedule your consultation today!

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