4 Tips When Playing With Your Child With Autism | How To Have A Better Relationship |Episode 6

4 Tips When Playing With Your Child With Autism | How To Have A Better Relationship |Episode 6

In this video, Into the Spectrum’s Courtney Peters discusses four strategies parents can use while playing with their autistic children to develop a closer relationship. Many parents of autistic children feel like they would like to be closer to their child, but are unsure of how to do so.

Some things parents can do to develop a closer bond with their kids include letting their child direct the play-time (don’t pick what to play for the child), making comments about their child’s play(comments are better than questions because you are interacting on their terms), and to not take the child’s toys from them. Some of these seem obvious, but when parents play with their autistic child on their child’s terms, it can build trust and connection and eventually lead to a better relationship overall.

4 Tips When Playing With Your Child With Autism | How To Have A Better Relationship |Episode 6 by Into the Spectrum
Initial Release Date: May 30, 2016
Source: Youtube

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