Could YOU be autistic? (and not know)

Could YOU be autistic? (and not know)

In this Ability Life Solutions Video Favorite, Yo Samdy Sam gives a no-nonsense comprehensive list of usual and unusual markers for autism. She forgoes medical jargon in favor of easy-to-understand language and examples of common autism traits.

Do you want, or even need a diagnosis? Sam thinks a diagnosis – or not – is very personal to each individual, and encourages you to talk to your family and childhood friends to get insights into how others may see you as a starting point for determining if you want to seek out a formal – or informal (self) diagnosis.

Could YOU Be Autistic? (And Not Know)
By: Yo Samdy Sam
Initial Air Date: Oct 18, 2019
Source: YouTube

#autism #ASD #autismspectrumdisorders #actuallyautistic #autismchallenges #autismtraits #listofautismtraits #autismcharacteristics #SamdySam #YoSamdySam #AbilityLifeSolutions #AbilityLifeNetwork

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