Dealing with Challenging Behaviors

Dealing with Challenging Behaviors

Teachers may stumble across certain challenges with autistic students in their classroom. Certain behaviors may distract other students from the learning experience. This video teaches us about these behaviors, their causes, and how to manage them.

Learn from Shannon Penrod of Autism Live as she discusses the causes of challenging behaviors before going into different management strategies for each kind.

Dealing with Challenging Behaviors by Autism Live, Shannon Penrod
Initial Release Date: Sep 10, 2015
Source: Youtube

What We Learned from this Video:

  • A teacher’s main job is to teach children, but they often have to divert their energy to stopping challenging behavior.
  • All behavior is meant to communicate something. It always has a function of some sort.
  • Behavior is only maintained when it is rewarded in some way. By making desired behavior rewarding and making challenging behavior less rewarding, you can reduce challenging behavior.
  • Behavior always has an antecedent (something that happened before the behavior to cause it) and a consequence.
  • These are the four most common functions of challenging behavior:
    • Attention: This can be positive or negative. Any kind of attention rewards the behavior. This is the most common culprit.
    • Access to activities or items: They may engage in the activity in order to take a toy from another child or something similar.
    • Escape: They may engage in challenging behavior to avoid doing something that they do not want to do.

Determining the causes behind challenging behaviors can be difficult, but we have your back! Set up a consultation with Ability Life Solutions to get the support you need for your family.

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