Five Tips for Working from Home During Coronavirus–KeepingITSimple

Five Tips for Working from Home During Coronavirus–KeepingITSimple

In this video, strategies for working from home effectively are shared in response to the Covid-19 pandemic sending many people to their homes to do their jobs. Working from home can be extremely liberating, but also introduces new distractions into the work day.

Communication is especially important for employees working from home, because feedback is less immediate and cooperation is made more difficult by being remote. Communicating more and more effectively is important so that work projects continue to run smoothly while employees are physically isolated. Creating a routine is also important to help manage the distractions. Setting up blocks of time to work and allowing a certain amount of flexibility is key to effectively managing your workload while managing distractions at home.

Five Tips for Working from Home During Coronavirus–KeepingITSimple by Viatto
Initial Release Date: Mar 13, 2020
Source: Youtube

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