14 Feb Information about the Least Restrictive Environment
Posted at 02:56h
Each autistic child has an environment that is best suited to their educational needs. This is known as the Least Restrictive Environment, or LRE. Your child may not need special classes or support depending on their individual needs.
In this episode of Autism Live, learn from Bonnie Yates and Shannon Penrod about the LRE, and how to make sure your child is in theirs.
What We Learned from this Video:
- Ideally, your child should be in the classroom learning alongside their peers.
- The LRE is not any one place; all children have a LRE that will fit them best, depending on their circumstances.
- LRE is a federal requirement that students with disabilities receive their education to the maximum extent appropriate with non-disabled peers and that they are not removed from regular classes unless they cannot learn in regular classes satisfactorily.
- If the school is trying to remove your child from general education, ask about supplemental aids and services that could help keep them in the classroom.
- Mainstreaming is taking someone who has an IEP and including them in a less restrictive environment such as a general ed classroom for part of the day.
- Integration means to include someone in mainstream or general non-academic activity at some level.
- Full-inclusion means taking someone with an IEP and putting them into a general education classroom full-time.
- Reverse-mainstreaming is when students are brought from a normal classroom into a special education environment to allow the special education children to socialize with others.
Your child’s least restrictive environment will depend on many factors. Schedule a consultation with Ability Life Solutions to determine what will work best for your child on the spectrum.