Parenting Young Children with Autism: Tips for a Calmer Child, Family, & Home. VISUAL SCHEDULES.

Parenting Young Children with Autism: Tips for a Calmer Child, Family, & Home. VISUAL SCHEDULES.

Parenting Young Children with Autism: Tips for a Calmer Child, Family, & Home. VISUAL SCHEDULES.

Help your child to better anticipate routines – and changes to routines –by creating daily visual schedules. A visual schedule will help increase your child’s ability to anticipate what to expect, to better manage changing plans, and to provide the structure to help decrease anxiety, tantrums, and meltdowns when changes do occur.

Parenting Young Children with Autism: Tips for a Calmer Child, Family, & Home. VISUAL SCHEDULES by Family Compass Group
Initial Release Date: December 13, 2017
Source: YouTube

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