14 Feb The Buddy – Everyone Saw This Autistic Boy as A Misfit, One Classmate Saw a Friend
“The Buddy” is a short film based upon the real-life friendship that developed between two Singaporean children, a boy with autism named Tam and another boy, Hidayat. At first, Hidayat did not understand Tam, finding habits of Tam’s, like copying his gestures during lunch and drawing spiders during class, to be a nuisance. Over time, however, Hidayat began to appreciate and respect Tam for his ingenuity and supportiveness as a friend.
The film shows the positive impact that Hidayat’s friendship provided with Tam, and the positive impact that Tam had on his friend. Hidayat grew out of his fear and misunderstanding of Tam to find genuine concern for his friend.
The Buddy – Everyone Saw This Autistic Boy as A Misfit, One Classmate Saw a Friend by Viddsee
Initial Release Date: February 14, 2018
Source: YouTube
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