14 Feb Transition to Adulthood Panel
In this panel that was live-streamed to YouTube, several autistic advocates join the discussion about the transition to adulthood, and what that looks like for each individual. For some people, college or a vocational school are the goal, and for others, they are unsure of what they want as young adults.
A great point made by several speakers is the importance of taking risks as young adults, in order to learn from mistakes and find opportunities they may not otherwise have been exposed to. Many individuals with autism are sheltered from potentially risky situations growing up by their parents and the special education system, but risk is vital to growth, as the advocates argue.
Self-determination is also an important theme in their discussion, as is finding a proper balance between support and maintaining full rights and dignity.
Transition to Adulthood Panel by Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Initial Release Date: Nov 13, 2020
Source: Youtube
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