We are an empowering community and resource center created for those living with Autism & their loved ones.

We are an empowering community and resource center created for those living with Autism & their loved ones.

Start Here

community caregivers

Parents & Caregivers

Connect and get the support to keep yourself healthy while providing the best care possible for your autistic loved one.

Community for Autistic Teens Young Adults

Teens & Young Adults

We offer job coaching, individual education plans, relationship advice and a safe and a place for rich social connections.

Community for autistic adults


Gain meaningful connections in the autism community and support for everyday life, finances, lifestyle & relationships.

You’re Not Alone

Let us connect you to a better quality of life for yourself and your loved ones.

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Featured Videos

Our video library houses the best autism videos online from the most respected leaders in the autism community.

Studies have indicated that broccoli sprouts are an excellent choice for reducing abnormal behaviors in both children.

Stephanie gives parents of autistic toddlers and children tips for potty training. She draws on her experience with son.

A no-nonsense list of usual and unusual markers for autism, forgoing medical jargon in favor of easy-to-understand language.

Award-winning speaker and best-selling author, asks listeners to imagine scenarios experienced everyday by autistics.



We’re here to help with the questions that are keeping you up at night. As members of the autism community, we’ve been where you are. Let us help support you through the challenges that you’re facing. Ability Life Solutions is here to help guide you through the noise and to the resources that you need.

Our Founders

Tresha Allen’s background as a disability advocate and Bob DeMarco’s experience as a special needs parent led them to create Ability Life Solutions. Their passion and care for the autism community has been channeled into a comprehensive online resource for families with special needs.
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