
High functioning autism should have little affect on someone because of it's less noticable, and yet, we are noticing certain affects on how our son is handling society. Bullying is...

Bullying and Harassment are really difficult to deal with, and it can be even harder for those of us on the spectrum. Harassment and Bullying as an Autistic AdultPor: AnevaFecha de publicación: 20...

Curious about the first person who was diagnosed with Autism!! What is autism like at 90? And all manner of issues in between. In a Different Key: Autism and Bullying Por: neuroscientist108 Fecha de... While acknowledgment and information about autism and Asperger's are relatively new (historically speaking), bullying has been around for a while. Why do people act this way? What can we do... Bullying in the workplace is detrimental for everyone, and the impact on the victim can damage their self-esteem as well as their sense of well-being. Some people will try to... Sadly, bullying is a problem that many kids on the spectrum have to deal with. Fortunately, there are things that can be done to successfully address the problem. This video...

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